70 Paladin Blood Elf Female Retribution/Protection/Holy
BIS Retribution WEAPON EQUIPPED [Torch of the Damned]
Bis trinket phase 5 [Shard of Contempt]
Tier 6 Chest [Lightbringer Breastplate]
Bis Weapon Protection/Holy [Hammer of Judgement]
Bis holy/prot gear in bags
Magisters`Terrace heroic unlocked
Mount [Amani War Bear]
Mount [Swift Purple Hawkstrider] epic in bags
Bag 20 slots [Tattered Hexcloth Sack]
Bis gear for all specs
Gem epic in bags [Runed Crimson Spinel]
Almost all recipes BS(profession)
Bis Hands all phases [Gloves of the Searing Grip]
Attunement Mount Hyjal unlocked
Attunement Black temple unlocked
[Lionheart Executioner] Bis Weapon Retribution PVP/PVE
[Savior's Grasp](Bis Chest phase 4 Holy spec)
[Libram of Avengement] BIS LIBRAM
Tabards: [Aldor Tabard][Blood Knight Tabard]
Head/Shoulders enchants unlocked (Exalted rep both)
Token Tier 4 Legs in bags [Leggings of the Fallen Champion](you can buy t4 pve or pvp [Gladiator's Scaled Legguards] legs)
300 Conquest
450 Honor
100x [Badge of Justice]
10x [Holy Dust]
Enchants head/shoulders unlocked
5x [Primal Nether]
60x [Spirit Shard]
2x gems in bags [Beaming Fire Opal][Sovereign Tanzanite]
[World Breaker] (ssc weapon in bags)
Retribution mainspec
100% speed Ground mount
1/5 Tier 5 (Hands)
4/5 Tier 4 (Head/Shoulders/Chest/Legs)
2/5 set Righteous tank spec
Recipes in bags [Plans: Belt of the Guardian] [Plans: Red Havoc Boots],(Ssc/TK recipes)
100% speed Mount
60% speed Fly Mount
Gear Retirubtion/Protection/Holy in bags
Gear in bags for all specs:[Tunic of the Ranger Lord][Shoulderplates of Everlasting Pain],[Battleworn Tuskguard][Skullshatter Warboots][Grimgrin Faceguard],[Helm of Soothing Currents],[Hammer of Judgement](bis weapon protection/holy),[Two-toed Sandals],[Signet of the Last Defender],[Signet of Eternal Life][Chestguard of Hidden Purpose][Cord of Braided Troll Hair][Shimmer-pelt Vest],[Ancient Aqir Artifact](trinket tank bis),[Girdle of Stromgarde's Hope][Pauldrons of Primal Fury][Hood of the Third Eye],[Bladespire Warbands],[Savior's Grasp](Bis chest phase 4 Holy spec),[Fire Crest Breastplate](Chest healer),[Lower City Prayerbook][Lower City Prayerbook](2x trinkets for holy spec),[Band of Eternity][Farstrider Wildercloak][Worgen Claw Necklace][Triptych Shield of the Ancients](Shield holy bis),[Ribbon of Sacrifice](bis trinket holy),[RED HAVOC BOOTS](PROT SPEC 375 SKILL BS),[Barbed Choker of Discipline][Gauntlets of Renewed Hope][Girdle of the Righteous Path](bis waist holy spec),[Abacus of Violent Odds](bis trinket)[Libram of the Eternal Rest][Spellbreaker's Buckler][Figurine of the Colossus](Trinket tank)[Virtue Bearer's Vambraces],[Spyglass of the Hidden Fleet](trinket tank ssc)[Eaglecrest Warboots][Doomplate Gauntlets][Bloodlord Legplates],[King's Defender],[Barbed Choker of Discipline],[Boots of Valiance][Elementium Band of the Sentry][Gilded Thorium Cloak][Aegis of the Sunbird][Vambraces of Courage][Helm of the Righteous][Molten Earth Kilt][Gauntlets of the Righteous][Liar's Cord][Mennu's Scaled Leggings][Bleeding Hollow Warhammer][Exorcist's Lamellar Helm][Libram of the Lightbringer] [Emberspur Talisman][Plasma Rat's Hyper-Scythe][Bladed Shoulderpads of the Merciless][Libram of Souls Redeemed][Rapscallion Boots],[Liar's Cord][Mennu's Scaled Leggings][Bleeding Hollow Warhammer],[Cowl of Defiance],[Emberspur Talisman][Shining Chain of the Afterworld][Royal Cloak of Arathi Kings],[Rapscallion Boots][Gilded Thorium Cloak][Zierhut's Lost Treads][Scaled Breastplate of Carnage],[Libram of Souls Redeemed][Fool's Bane][Blackout Truncheon][Boots of Valiance],[Bands of Syth][Crusader's Scaled Chestpiece][Wastewalker Gloves],[Steelspine Faceguard],[Mantle of Abrahmis](Shoulders tank spec), [Panzar'Thar Breastplate][Iron Gauntlets of the Maiden],[Battlescar Boots],[Gauntlets of the Righteous][Shield of the Void][Scimitar of the Nexus-Stalkers][Sonic Spear][Shadowrend Longblade][Shoulderguards of the Bold][Blackout Truncheon][Terokk's Nightmace][Firemaul of Destruction][Cloak of Malice]
Reputations: Cenarion Expedition-Revered-8k/21k
The Consortium-Honored 11k/12k
Lower City-Exalted
Argent Dawn-Exalted
The Sha`tar- Revered-8k/21k
The Aldor - Exalted
Violet Eye-Revered-13k/21k
The Scale of the Sands -Revered-12k/21k
Ashtongue Deathsworn-Revered- 12k/21k
Server-Firemaw horde
Blacksmithing 375/375
Mining 375/375
First Aid 375/375
Gametime: 2/05/2023
More Infos in Pics / Screenshots!
Price:99 EUR
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