60 MAGE = 3/5 Zandalar = 100% Mount = 3/3 Bloodvine Set = Bis Trinket =249 EUR


Undead Male Mage Bis gear 3/3 Bloodvine Set,3/5 Zandalar Set,100% speed mount,Zandalarian Hero Charm Bis trinket,Cloak of Consumption(Bis cloack zul`gurub)
Primal Hakkari Idol in bags (ENCHANT ZG)
Tailoring 300/300
Enchanting 125/150
160x Noggenfogger Elixir
2x Primal Hakkari Shawl in bags
Elemental Mage Staff in bags
Reputations:Undercity-Friendly 4100/6000
Zandalar Tribe-REVERED-6600/21000

Realm: Earthshaker - Horde

Armory: https://classic.wowhead.com/gear-planner/mage/undead/AjwAASc5AkyPA02FBUziBli8B0zjCEzkCU2GCk3ZC1jBTC7LBV0NTe4OSCQPTZEQTaxSO68AmA

Points: Gametime until 21/06/2020



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Price:  249 EUR

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Price: 249 EUR


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