Unique = 18K Achievements = Arena Master = 240 Mounts = 25x 70 level = Tusks of Mannoroth =The First Satyr's Spaulders = 100K KILLS PVP = CM GOLD WOD = Thunderfury = Warglaive of Azzinoth = Mage towers = Transmogs rare= 1999 EUR

18000 Achievements Points 

122 Feats of Strenght / 206 Legacy

Fly Bfa/Legion/Wod/Shadowlands

Arena Master

Grand Marshal

Field Marshal

Rare transmogs

Rare/unique Tabards

Rare Toys/Companions/Mounts

240 Mounts  

100000 Honorable Kills in Pvp

Mage towers on all classes/all specs

The First Satyr's Spaulders

Tusks of Mannoroth 

Warglaive of Azzinoth on 3x chars

Thunderfury on 4x chars in bags

Heirblooms for all class



15x Level 70

10x Level 50/60



1.Paladin 487 ilvl,5/5 Tier Set,2900 Rio Score,Bis Gear,BIS TRINKETS RETRIBUTION [Rezan's Gleaming Eye][Spores of Alacrity],weapon 486ilvl 5/5 Tier Set Season 3(Chest/Legs/Shoulders 480/489 ilvl)Thunderfury,[Keystone Hero: Shadowmoon Burial Grounds][Keystone Hero: The Nokhud Offensive] (from key 20 in time,teleports)Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker in bags,Gear in bags for all specs(all can upgrade to 483/489ilvl): [Quel'Zaram, High Blade of the Lion](470ilvl 2/6 upgrade) (weapon protection),[Nightmare Egg Shell]470ilvl,[Ravencrest Bonecrush Gauntlets]470ilvl,[Raven Filigree Pendant]470ilvl,[Ring of Contempt]470ilvl,[Spores of Alacrity]470ilvl,[Gore-Crusted Butcher's Block]470ilvl,[Goldsteel Sabatons]470ILVL,[Unceasing Footman's Breastplate]467ilvl,[Seal of the Regal Loa]470ilvl,[Shadowshroud Vambraces]463,[Band of Callous Dominance]463,[Embellished Ritual Sabatons]470ilvl,[Ring of Contempt]467ilvl,[Drape of the Loyal Vassal]470ilvl,[Lord Waycrest's Signet]470ilvl,[Might of the Ocean]460ilvl

2.Druid 485ilvl,2900 rio score,mage tower guardian,Bis trinkets balance/resto specs,2900 Raider Io Score.New bear form/travel form apperance unlocked season Transmog set [Stormheart Raiemnt ]+Ursoc Guardian Done +23 keys in tim5/5 Tier Set Season 3 (Hands/Legs/Shoulders/Head 483ilvl)5/5 TIER SET SEASON 2,ear in bags for all specs(all gear can ugprade):[Frenzied Incarnate Legwraps]476ilvl,[Sea Star](trinket balance spec)470ilvl,[Band of Callous Dominance]470ilvl,[Grove Darkener's Treads]470ilvl,[Bioluminescent Lamp]470ilvl,[Ring of Contempt]470,[Conflux Caller's Baton]470ilvl,[Hound-Jowl Waistband]470ilvl,[Legguards of Endless Horrors]470ilvl,[Corrupted Starlight]470ilvl,[Solena's Watchful Collection]470ilvl

3.Demon Hunter 484 ilvl = 5/5 Tier  Bis Trinkets 483 ilvl   2.6K SCORE,BIS TRINKETS 483 ILVL ,BIS Weapons 486 ILVL,5/5 Tier Set,Done keys +22 in time,[Soulrending Claw] 473 ILVL BIS WEAPON SEASON 3,2600 Raider Io Score Season 3,Mage Tower all specs (Set transmog),[Bindings of the Windseeker][Bindings of the Windseeker](both bindings in bags ready to craft TF),[Nightmare Egg Shell](489 ilvl in bags),[Keystone Master].Transmog Achievement timewalking BT (I'll Hold These For You Until You Get Out)>>Can Transmog Both Warglaives <<

4.Druid 475ilvl Bis trinkets balance/Resto,[Mirror of Fractured Tomorrows] 470ilvl (2/6 upgrade hero),[Iridal, the Earth's Master] 473ilvl 3/6 Upgrade Hero(BIS STAFF RESTO/BALANCE),4/5 Tier Set Season 3 (Head/Chest/Legs/Shoulders),481 ilvl bis staff equipped

[Swift White Hawkstrider] IN BAGS (Magisters' Terrace Drop 4% chance NON-USED) 

The First Satyr's Spaulders IN BAGS (Verry rare transmog 0.3% chance drop)

5.Dk 475ilvl,4/5 tier Set,Tusks of mannoroth,Thunderfury,rare transmogs,mage tower all specs,[Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker] (BOTH BINDINGS IN BAGS),

6.Evoker 481ilvl,5/5 set,2500 rio score,gear boths specs,Gear on bags for all specs:(all items can upgrade):[Balefire Branch]470ilvl(can upgrade to 483ilvl Bis trinket Devastation),[Sol's Magestaff]470ilvl,[Aureus Vessel]470ilvl,[Streamslither Spaulders]470ilvl,[Band of Twisted Bark]470ilvl,[Hoof of Yalnu]467ilvl,[Periwinkle Cloak],[Anthia's Ring],[Slumbering Ursine Talisman][Wristlinks of Alchemical Transfusion][Leaxa's Thought-Piercer][Crown of Obsidian Secrets]

7.Hunter 483ilvl,5/5 tier set,2500 rio score,bow 486ilvl,bis trinkets 485ilvl,transmogs rare

8.Warrior 485ilvl,5/5 tier set s3,2.3k rio score,bis trinkets all specs,Thunderfury in bags,[Ardenweald Wilderling Harness] in bags fly mount 

9.Mage 480 ilvl,5/5 Tier Set s3,2.5k rio score,mage tower all specs

10.Warlock 476ilvl,5/5 tier set s3,2.2k rio score,bis trinkets 483ilvl,mage towers all specs

11.Priest 480ilvl,4/5 tier set s3,2.1k rio score,mage tower all specs

12.Monk 480ilvl,4/5 tier set s3,Thunderfury,bis trinkets all specs

13.Rogue 480ilvl,5/5 tier set s3,thunderfury,mage tower


                                                                                                                   Mage Towers on all classes


                                                       Offchars: Warrior level 60,Dk level 62,Warrior level 60,Dh level 51,Hunter level 70,Druid level 70,dh level 60,Druid level 70,Hunter level 60,Monk level 60,Rogue level 60,Priest level 70,Mage level 50,mage level 42,Warlock level 50,2x dk level 25


Rare Titles:

Arena Master
Grand Marshal
Field Marshal
the Indomitable
Lieutenant Commander
Destroyer's End
Blackwing's Bane
the Fearless
Defiler's End
of the Nightfall
the Light of Dawn
the Dreamer
Sergeant Major
Vengeance Incarnate
of the Ashen Verdict
Storm`s End
of the Four Winds
the Kingslayer
Twilight Vanquisher
Master Sergeant
Delver of the Vaults



    Illusions enchants weapons: Moongose,Void Edge,Nightamare,Sunfire,Titanguard,Beastslayer,Crusader,Striking,Agility,Mark of blending Hollow,Mark of                      Blackrock,Landslide,Power Torrent,Elemental Slayer,Avalanche,Lifestealing


                     Tabards: [Tabard of the Explorer][Tabard of the Achiever]



                                                                                                                                          Other games on battle net:


                                                                                                                              Diablo 3







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Price: 1999 EUR


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