225 DH = Mage 223 = CM GOLD WOD = TF/Warglaives = 10/10 HC = 789 EUR

60 Blood Elf  Demon Hunter Havoc 225 ilvl

60 Mag`har Orc 223ilvl fire/frost bis legendary


Both [Warglaive of Azzinoth] in bags

[Chaos Digits]235 ilvl Legendary DPS

Bis trinkets

1700 Valor

226ilvl Weapon

[Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker](in bags)

[Reckless Grasp of Fiery Soul]235 ilvl Legendary Tank


Renown Rank 40 Venthyr(Max Renown)

Titles: Countess,Hellscream`s Downfall,Illidari,Liberator of Orgrimmar

560Soul Ash(can craft other legendary)

2400 [Reservoir Anima]

2500 [Stygia]

10/10 HC&10/10N Castle Nathria    

[Ahead of the Curve: Sire Denathrius]


[Chaos Digits] Bis legendary havoc 235ilvl equipped

Venthyr Campaign 9/9 Chapters done,set transmog [Ebony Death Shroud Armor] 9/9 full set,mount campaign [Battle Gargon Vrednic] in bags (transferred on the new account)

Cosmetic 2x cloacks transmog Venthyr campaign: [Gleaming Crypt Keeper's Mantle](3500 anima),[Kael's Dark Sinstone Chain]

Followers unlocked 3/3 from Forge of Bonds: Pelagos,Kleia,Forgelite Prime Mikanikos

Conduits: [Relentless Onslaught]200ilvl,[Artifice of the Archmage]200ilvl, [Fel Defender]213ilvl,[Viscous Ink]213ilvl,[Shattered Restoration]200ilvl,[Felfire Haste]213ilvl,[Ravenous Consumption]213ilvl,[Soul Furnace]200 ilvl,[Demonic Parole]200ilvl,[Serrated Glaive]200ilvl

Items in bags for all specs: [Signet of the False Accuser](finger 226 ilvl),[Overcharged Anima Battery]220ilvl,[Sin Stained Pendant]203ilvl(can upgrade),[Miasma-Lacquered Jerkin]213ilvl,[Bottled Flayedwing Toxin]226ilvl trinket,[Corset of the Deft Duelist]213ilvl,[Gloves of Phantom Shadows]213ilvl,[Noble's Birthstone Pendant]213ilvl,[Enchanted Toe-Tappers]213ilvl, [Nurgash's Belt of Many Sinstones]207ilvl, [Darkmoon Deck: Indomitable]200ilvl,[Cowled Batwing Cloak]213ilvl,[Hateful Chain]213ilvl,[Volatile Shadestitch Legguards]213ilvl,[Heedless Pugilist's Harness]213ilvl,[Macabre Sheet Music]213ilvl,[Enchanted Toe-Tappers]213ilvl,[Gloves of Phantom Shadows]213ilvl,[Skulker's Wing]213ilvl(bis trinket pvp),[Shadowgrasp Totem]


Mage 223ilvl fire&frost specs bis legendary 

Bis legendary frost&fire specs

Legendary Frost: [Icebringer] 235ilvl

Legendary Fire: [Incanter's Circlet] 235ilvl 

1400 Soul Ash

Night Fae Campaign 9/9 chapters done

9/10 HC&10/10N Castle Nathria

+15 Key done


Bis Conduit fire [Infernal Cascade] 213ilvl


25% haste (bis items fire spec)

Rank 40 Renown Night Fae covenant 

[Incanter's Circlet] 235ILVL LEGENDARY Fire

1200 x Stygia
Conduits: [Diverted Energy]213ilvl,[Tempest Barrier]200ilvl,[Winter's Protection]213ilvl,[Flow of Time]200ilvl,[Incantation of Swiftness]200ilvl,[Discipline of the Grove]200ilvl,[Controlled Destruction]200ilvl,[Flame Accretion]200ilvl,[Infernal Cascade]200ilvl,[Arcane Prodigy]200ilvl,[Magi's Brand]200ilvl,[Ice Bite]200ilvl,[Icy Propulsion]200ilvl,[Siphoned Malice]200ilvl,[Unrelenting Cold]200ilvl

Items in bags for all specs: [Ingra Maloch's Mantle](226 ilvl sholders),[Infinitely Divisible Ooze] 220ilvl trinket,[Cloak of Enveloping Manifestations] 226ilvl,[Blighted Margrave's Cloak]220ilvl,[Cabalist's Hymnal]207ilvl,[Bloodoath Signet]226ilvl,[Ritual Bone Band]220ilvl finger(crit>versatility stats) ,[Cabalist's Hymnal]207ilvl trinket bis stats,[Leggings of Lethal Reverberations]213ilvl,[Nathrian Tabernacle]207ilvl,[Ritual Bone Band]220ilvl,[Lyre of Decadent Frivolity]220ilvl held off-hand,[Kaal's Gloomblade],[Sunblood Amethyst] 207ilvl,[Trailspinner Pendant]207ilvl neck,[Sin Stained Pendant]203ilvl neck bis stats haste,[Band of the Risen Bonelord]207ilvl ring [Sunblood Amethyst](trinket 203ilvl),[Charm of Eternal Winter](200ilvl neck),[Unbound Changeling](203ilvl trinket haste bis fire spec)[Harp of the Sanguine Court](off hand 187)[Unbound Changeling](203ilvl TRINKET bis for fire),[Depraved Physician's Mask](213ILVL head Haste>mastery stats)


Transmog item :[Cursed Vision of Sargeras]

Toy campaign Venthyr in bags Tithe Collector's Vessel]

Tabards: [Tabard of the Explorer][Tabard of the Achiever][Competitor's Tabard]


Illusions enchants weapons: Moongose,Void Edge,Nightamare,Sunfire,Titanguard,Beastslayer,Crusader,Striking,Agility,Mark of blending Hollow,Mark of Blackrock,Landslide,Power Torrent,Elemental Slayer,Avalanche,Lifestealing




Armory: 225ilvl Dh- https://retail.safe-armory.com/en/character/60d45d3fada21

Armory: 223ilvl Mage - https://retail.safe-armory.com/en/account/60d461a4ca59f



                                                                                          Gametime: 23/07/2021


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Price: 789 EUR

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