Paladin Holy 478 ilvl
BFA Flying
3/12 Mythic
1.1K Rio Score
Key +16 In time Done
Neck level 86
Cloak Rank 15
Bis azerite
Items in bags for all specs:[Razdunk's Big Red Button](460ilvl trinket Retry spec),[Fluorescent Flora Stompers](455ilvl),[Boots of Hallucinatory Reality](460ilvl),Weapon Retribution spec[Logg](460ilvl+gem),[Forbidden Obsidian Claw](460ilvl trinket),[Protecting Bit Band]455ilvl,[Gauntlets of Absolute Authority]455ilvl ,21x[Tidalcore]
Transmogs gear: Battleplate of Immilation 6/8
Reinforced Sapphirium Battleplate 6/8
Lightsowrn Plate 6/8
LightBringer Armor 4/8
Crystalforge Armor 2/8
Cosmic Abberation`s Plate 8/8
Eternal Curator`s Protectorate 5/8
Gravelord`s DIreplate 8/10
Light`s Vanguard Battleplate 8/9
Battlegear of The Lightning Emperor 4/8
Points: Character Sale Only: The character gets transferred to a brand new account. It will have a lvl 110 boost active and 30 Days of Gametime on the date of creation. ( Mounts are not getting transferred to the new account )
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Price: 379 EUR
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