BM Hunter 472 iLVL
BFA Flying score 1000
Artifact 83
Fly in legion & draenor active
Rank 15 Cloak
6/9 HC & 1/9 Mythic BoD
6/8 HC TeP
2/2 Set - Gift of the Loa
1.100 Score
Fly Legion & WoD
Legion artifacts MM spec [Thas'dorah, Legacy of the Windrunners],[Tabard of the Explorer]
Items in bags for all specs :[Chargestone of the Thunder King's Court]445ilvl,[Dribbling Inkpod](430ilvl),[Kimbul's Razor Claw],[Phial of the Arcane Tempest](430ilvl),[Invocation of Yu'lon]Materials in bags for all proffesions:[Sanguicell]55x,[Tidalcore]42x,[Expulsom]12x,[Breath of Bwonsamdi]285x,[Hydrocore]?
Price: 350 EUR
Points: Character Sale Only: The character gets transferred to a brand new account. It will have a lvl 110 boost active and 30 Days of Gametime on the date of creation. ( Mounts are not getting transferred to the new account )
More Infos in Pics / Screenshots!
Price: 389 EUR
We can meet INGAME so you can see this account LIVE .
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PayPal [instant]
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( ask us to activate the Credit Card payment for the specific account that you want to buy - this option is disabled as standard )
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Western Union - [instant] - Available Online aswell
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