Achievement points : 14,895
Feats of Strength - 38
Notable PvE Achievements :
Ahead of the Curve - The Black Gate (Archimonde)
- Gul'dan
- Helya
- Kil'Jaeden
- Argus The Unmaker
Notable PvP Achievements :
Just the two of us (2200)
Three's company (2000)
Ferocious Gladiator's Tabard (On Main)
Gold - 30k + across characters on Silvermoon EU (unaccounted maths/items in character inventory)
- 160k+ across characters on Stormscale EU (unaccounted maths/items in character inventory)
Cosmetics : Shadowmourne - Mount , Toys and Tabard included
Mounts/pets - 223 mounts , 171 Unique Pets
Heirlooms - 29/35
Toys : 132/453 Including : Mote of Light , Blingtron , Bones of Transformation,Golden Hearthstone Card : Lord Jaraxxus,Gnomeregan Pride/Darkspear Pride,Muradin's Favour ,
Sylvanas'Music Box, Stave of Fur and Claw, Time-Lost Figurine, Wisp Amulet, World Shrinker;
7/50 Shadowfrost Shards / Desidera - Shadowmourne Questline
Gear: 964 Shaman
Professions : Mining/Enchanting
Enhancement : Artifact level - 60
Elemental : Artifact level - 55
Restoration : Artifact level - 76 ,Mage Tower Artifact Challenge Appearance
Prestige : Level 7
Elite pvp armor sets - Fierce Gladiator's Ringmail Armor ,Vindictive Gladiator's Ringmail Armor ,Ferocious Gladiator's Ringmail Armor,
Cruel Gladiator's Ringmail Armor ,Fearless Gladiator's Ringmail Armor ,Demonic Gladiator's Ringmail Armor
List of legendary items : Velen's Future Foresight , Elemental Rebalancers , Insignia of the Grand Army ,
Fire in the Deep , Praetorian's Tidecallers , Intact Nazjatar Molting , Sephuz's Secret , Uncertain Reminder , Nobundo's Redemption,
Prydaz , Xavaric's Magnum Opus , Roots of Shaladrassil , Soul of the Farseer, Focuser of Jonath the Elder ;
953 Warrior -
Arms : Artifact level - 75 , Mage Tower Artifact Challenge Appearance
Protection : Artifact level - 70 - ,Mage Tower Artifact Challenge Appearance
Fury : Artifact level - 65 ,
Balance of Power - Completed
Prestige : Level 3
Professions : Engineering/Jewelcrafting/Cooking
Elite pvp sets - Cruel Gladiator's Plate Armor,Demonic Gladiator's Plate Armor
List of legendary items : kil'jaeden's burning wish,archimonde's hatred reborn, Archavon's Heavy Hand,
Mannoroth's bloodletting manacles,Kakushans stormscale gauntlets,Ayala's stone heart,Weight of the earth,
thundergod's vigor, Prydaz, Xavaric's magnum opus , Timeless Stratagem , Insignia of the Grand Army,
Naj'entus's Vertebrae ;
963 Paladin -
Professions : Herbalism/Alchemy
Retribution : Artifact level - 56
Protection : Artifact level 76 , Mage Tower Artifact Challenge Appearance
Holy : Artifact level - 54
List of legendary items : Chain of Thrayn,Uther's Guard , Tyr's Hand of Faith ,Insignia of the Grand Army , Soul of the Highlord,
Heathcliff's Immortality ,Pillars of Inmost Light ,Aggramar's Stride, Archimonde's Hatred Reborn;
944 Warrior -
Professions : Mining/Enchanting
Arms : Artifact level - 68
Protection : Artifact level - 68
Fury : Artifact level - 56
List of legendary items : Mannoroth's Bloodletting Mannacles, Soul of the Battlelord, Kil'Jaeden's Burning Wish ;
2x lvl 100 Alts
Prestigious Ivory Courser,
Highmountain Elderhorn,
Lucid Nightmare ,
Arcadian War Turtle ,
Arcanist's Manasaber ,
Avenging Felcrusher ,
Violet Spellwing ,
Blue/Red Dragonhawk ,
Brinedeep Bottom-Feeder,
Cerulean Ruinstrider,
Corrupted Dreadwing ,
Crimson Deathcharger,
Dark War Talbuk,
Darnassian Nightsaber,
Drake of the South Wind,
Fossilized Raptor,
Green Proto-Drake ,
Grove Warden ,
Ironbound Wraithcharger ,
Jade Pandaren Kite ,
Llothien Prowler,
Mekgineer's Chopper,
Sky Golem ,
Silver Covenant Hippogryph,
Vicious War Saber,
Vicious Gilnean Warhorse,
White Polar Bear,
the Exalted ,
the Seeker ,
Of the Alliance/Horde ,
Defender of a Shattered World,
Champion of the Frozen Wastes,
total of 53 titles;
Points: Gametime until 23/07/2018
More Infos in Pics / Screenshots!
Price: 319 EUR
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