21905 Achievs = 977 Paladin = 179 Legacy & 75 Feats of strength = 340 Mounts / 264 Toys / 332 Pets = Notable Legacy: Hero of Zandalari Tribe, Charger, Proof of Demise, All Ulduar 10/25 legacy achievements completed, Champion of Ulduar,
Notable Feats of strength: All pre BFA allied races unlocked, All ahead of the curves from Draenor and Legion, Insane in the Membrane, Hero of Shattrath, Avast Ye Admiral, Val'anyr, Thunderfury, Sulfuras, Thori'dal bow = 949 EUR
Teebu's Blazing Longsword, Taeshalach, Schyte of the Unmaker, Hammer of Vigilance 4 World Defiler's pieces from some Argus Elites, Warrior T3 bracers, All weapons from the argus elites, 70% of the weapons from the Broken Isles Invasions + the full set.
The chosen completed for plate.
Paladin : https://safe-armory.com/character/profile/9e650ef3e74a4d1aefcd918cd33a5a26
All legendaries are obtained but the trinket from Argus, All epic pantheon trinkets - 1000 for Retribution, 980 for Protection, 950 for Holy.
= ALL Mage Towers are Completed =
-Retribution : 997 ilvl Weapon, 83 Traits, BIS relics with Wings on each one of them, 975 equipped ilvl with 978 max (for battlegrounds)
-Holy : 985 Weapon, Good Relics, 75 Traits, 966-970 equipped depending on which legendaries you use for raiding or M+. 50% crit chance cap.
-Protection : 983 Weapon, Good Relics, 75 Traits, 970-972 ilvl equipped depending on which legendarie you choose to use. almost cap haste - 36%
The accounts own 2 full bags of gear with high ilvl from which you can choose to build eachs pec but the Gear Sets made in the Gear Management are already made with best gear in any encounter: M+, Raids etc.
Monk https://safe-armory.com/character/profile/ac95f3601efb516b27d1245388a32acf?
9 Legendaries + 970 essences for another one:
-WW : All the BIS legendaries (head, chest, bracers). 965 equipped ilvl with 970 max (for battlegrounds), 994 ilvl Weapon, 76 traits with very good relics. Pantheon trinket 970
-Brewmaster : 966 ilvl equipped, 980 weapon
-Both Mage towers for the above mention specs are completed.
The Chosen completed for Leather.
Hunter: https://safe-armory.com/character/profile/f455dd605243d7d6ffeee7518538bd94?
6 Legendaries + 677 essences for another one
-MM - 990 weapon with very good traits,990 weapons with good traits for AOE and single target, 962 equipped ilvl with BIS aoe legendary, 966 max ilvl (for battlegrounds)
-BM + SV - 940ish weapons with 64,67 traits
All the Mage Towers were completed
Demon Hunter :
4 legendaries
Havoc : BIS ring legendary, 951 weapons with 73 traits , 950 ilvl equipped Mage tower completed
Mage : https://safe-armory.com/character/profile/680bd75be569c75bba2ed4b4494513e6?
Freshly boosted it has both BIS legendaries on Frost
Other Characters : level 80 Shaman almost prepared for Herald of the Titans.
Priest - 110 (Insane name reserved . with the title Insane the Insane) - no legendaries
Druid - 110 - 2 unused legendaries
DK - 106 - 4 unused legendaries, has 3 Skyshards on him
340 mounts in total with the rarest :
Solar Spirehawk,
Swift Razzashi Raptor (Unobtainable - sold at BMAH for 7-9 Mil gold),
Hellfire Infernal,
Avenging Felcrusher,
Paladin Original Charger,
Crimson Slavermaw,
Drake of the North Wind,
Drake of the South Wind,
Fiery Warhorse,
Flametalon of Alysrazor,
Grand Black War Mammoth,
Alani mount,
Green Proto Drake,
Grey Riding Camel,
Grove Defiler,
Grove Warden(unotbtainable),
Jade Primordial Direhorn,
Onyxian Drake, Raven Lord,
Red Qiraji Battle Tank,
Sea Turtle,
Spawn of Horridon,
Swift White Hawkstrider,
Vile Fiend,
Vitreous Stone Drake,
Core Hound (Unobtainable),
All Argus Fel Spotted EGGS mounts,
Giant Couldsnout,
Great Brewfest Kodo,
Shadowhide Pearltusk,
Great Brewfest Kodo,
Swift Brewfest Ram,
Ironbound Wraithcharger,
Yu'lei Daughter of Jade,
Long Forgotten
Mudback Riverbeast,
Pond Nettle,
Tundra Icehood,
Valarjar Storwing,
Wild Dreamrunner,
X-53 RAF rocket,
Titles - Most notable ones ( 88 Total )
Champion of Ulduar,
the Insane,
Field Medic,
the tomb raider,
the Chosen,
the Camel Hoarder,
Bloodsail Admiral.
Jewelcrafting, Blacksmithing. All the main and secondary Professions are maxed on the main character.The account has around 70% of the patterns from the game with many rare ones. First aid is completed which will become Legacy in BFA
Points: Gametime until 20/06/2018; BFA Pre-Ordered; Beta Access PTR; 150K Golds; Diablo 2
More Infos in Pics / Screenshots!
Price: 949 Eur = 1136 USD = 837 GBP
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