295 Enh Shaman = 14340 Achievs = 133 Mounts = 9x 110 = 199 Eur

   965 Enh Shaman = 14340 Achievs = 133 Mounts =  Corrupted Dreadwing; Core hound; Challenger's War Yeti =

WOD Challenge mode

9 x 110 Alts  = Flying in legion


Price: 199 Eur 




77 traits enha (988 weap) / 59 Elemental / 36 Resto 


 [Spiritual Journey][Kil'jaeden's Burning Wish][Insignia of the Grand Army]
[Prydaz, Xavaric's Magnum Opus][Roots of Shaladrassil][Soul of the Farseer]
[Eye of the Twisting Nether]



965 Holy Paladin 

75 Traits holy (987 Weap) / 62 Retribution / 43 Protection


[Sephuz's Secret][Prydaz, Xavaric's Magnum Opus]
[Insignia of the Grand Army][Tyr's Hand of Faith][Rethu's Incessant Courage]
[Obsidian Stone Spaulders]

https://legion.maskedarmory.com/armory/wow/profile/5af5fc6197e1f2629712a23a/main ;            


927 Druid - https://legion.maskedarmory.com/armory/wow/profile/5af5fc8f97e1f2629712a23b/main

110 DH - https://legion.maskedarmory.com/armory/wow/profile/5af5fca597e1f2629712a23c/main

110 Warlock - https://legion.maskedarmory.com/armory/wow/profile/5af5fcb797e1f2629712a23d/main

110 Monk - https://legion.maskedarmory.com/armory/wow/profile/5af5fcd097e1f2629712a23e/main

110 Hunter - https://legion.maskedarmory.com/armory/wow/profile/5af5fce397e1f2629712a23f/main

937 Mage - https://legion.maskedarmory.com/armory/wow/profile/5af5fcfe97e1f2629712a240/main

941 Priest - https://legion.maskedarmory.com/armory/wow/profile/5af5fd2297e1f2629712a241/main

943 Warrior - https://legion.maskedarmory.com/armory/wow/profile/5af5fd3b97e1f2629712a242/main


Points: Game time until 14/10/2018



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Price:  199 EUR 

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Price: 199 Eur


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great seller great accounts everything was good no cheating goo price hes the best

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