915 Holy PRIEST = 12290 Achievs = 914 Frost MAGE = 53 Traits Holy / 51 Disco / 39 Shadow - 39 AK PRIEST | 7 Legs = MAGE: 55 Traits / 39 AK - 9 Legs = 549 Eur
Gear: Legs Muze's Unwavering Will | x'anshi, shroud of archbishop | Prydaz | Sephus'z Secret | Phyrix's Embrace | Norgannon's foresight | Al'maiesh | Rammal's Ulterior motive | Entrancing Trousers of an'juna?
914 Frost MAGE - 55 Traits / 39 AK - 8 Legs: Magtheridon's Banished Bracers | Sephus'z Secret | Kil'jaedens burning wish | Ice time | Lady vashj's Grasp | Norgannons' foresight | Prydaz | Belo'vir's final stand = https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/draenor/blizardplz
Points: Game time until 27/06/2017
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Price: 549 Eur = 613 USD = 480 GBP
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