911 Resto Druid = 10375 Achievs = 1/10 Mythic = 7 Legion Legendaries = 2 x 110 Alts = 379 Eur

   911 Resto Druid = 10375 Achievs = 1/10 Mythic = 7 Legion Legendaries: Tearstone of elune, velen's future sight, Promise of elune, Essence of infusion, Sephus'z secret, Prydaz, Ekowraith = 45 Traits Resto - 35 Traits Guardian = 30 Artifact research ( maximum ) = 2 x 110 Alts = 379 Eur 





879 Resto Shaman - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/chamber-of-aspects/Phoén%C3%ADx/advanced

866 Paladin - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/chamber-of-aspects/Atlant%C3%ADs/advanced

100 Priest - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/chamber-of-aspects/Illuminátus/advanced




                   http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/chamber-of-aspects/Epicurius/mount#status=is-collected ;                                            

Points:  Game time until 15/05/2017



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Price:   379 Eur = 408 USD = 329 GBP

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Price: 379 Eur = 408 USD = 329 GBP


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