746 Balance DRUID = 15690 Achievs = 13/13 M HFC = 718 Shaman = 9/9CM MOP = 399 Eur

   746 Balance DRUID = 15690 Achievs = 13/13 Mythic = Raven Lord | 5 Cutting edges | 9/9 CM MOP Gear = 718 Shaman = 5 Months Gametime = 399 Eur 





    Enchanting / Tailoring 700


Points: 30K Golds; Gametime until 01/October/2016



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Price:    399 Eur = 462 USD = 314 GBP  

We can meet INGAME so you can see this account LIVE .

I will accept next payment methods:

PayPal [instant]


Credit Card - with Paypal, without needing to create a PayPal account ( Paypal.com is the portal that gets your payment, you won't share you CreditCard info's with anyone else but Paypal.com )


( ask us to activate the Credit Card payment for the specific account that you want to buy - this option is disabled as standard )


Bank to Bank ( 3 working days)


Western Union -  [instant] - Available Online aswell


Moneygram [instant]www.moneygram.com 


Skrill -  [instant]  - www.Skrill.com 


Price: 399 Eur = 462 USD = 314 GBP


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Sold my high end account to Cristian, very patient and trustworthy. The transaction was safe and ...
Sold account to them, fast and easy.. payment was sent straight away after all was cleared wou...

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